The “Hear-See-Do!” Bible Curriculum is the result of extensive research by Dr. Sharon L. Samson, conducted on three continents. This new and unique curriculum of Bible lessons provides complete Bible teaching materials that can be used in a variety of contexts. The curriculum provides a complete program for 9 years of teaching “Through the Bible” using 31 series of lessons. The materials can be used as a continuous program for children and youth, but can also be easily adapted to adult learners. While the materials are designed to be “easy to teach” and “fun to learn”, they are not watered down in content. This curriculum is easily used to teach in any church or ministry, but particularly appropriate for those who prefer the more oral methods of teaching and learning, for international groups, and for overseas missions. We want our students to HEAR God's Word and its application to life, to SEE the visual illustrations, class participation, and live godly example, and then DO what they have learned.